




  有父母听着别人家的孩子出国,出自于艳羡和盲目攀比也想让自已的儿女出国(Out of envy and blind comparison, I also want my children to go abroad),也有同学感觉高考考试或是研究生考试便是一把达摩克里斯之刃,为了更好地躲避中国考题和学习培训的工作压力才挑选出国(In order to better avoid the working pressure of Chinese examination questions and learning and training, I chose to go abroad)。相近这种的状况,通通归属于处于被动出国。


  假如决策留学并不是小孩自身的决策,反而是进行爸妈的指令,那麼留学就变成了应付(Studying abroad is not a child‘s own decision, but the instructions of his parents. Then studying abroad becomes a coping strategy),无论是申请办理环节,或是留学后的日常生活,都是会深陷无尽的被动技能中,一旦欠缺积极探寻的驱动力和求知欲,留学的路可能比一般人要艰难许多,也感受不上进到新天地的开心也接受不上新天地让你的极大启迪。


  海外和中国内地的教育制度彻底不一样,学生的自在度非常大(The education system of overseas and Mainland China is completely different, and students have a great degree of freedom),一般学员在中国中国应试教育的髙压下很有可能早已“承受不住”了,出国以后就有可能会“放家鸭”,进而造成学业成绩极速下降。

  因此务必提早具有一点学生自主学习的能力(Therefore, we must have the ability of students‘ autonomous learning in advance),学生自主学习的能力并不是就是指能准时进行教师工作的小宝贝,反而是更为趋向于有求真冲动,想要积极获得专业知识的良好的习惯。


  独立并不是留学后就能马上得到的能力,在中国能反映小孩独立能力的次数很有可能沒有海外多(Independence is not an ability that can be obtained immediately after studying abroad. It is likely that the number of times that children can reflect their independent ability in China is not as much as overseas),因此假如不可以提早预料独立能力对留学日常生活的必要性,留学之途很有可能也会很艰险。


  这类独立包含独立日常生活、独立学习培训(This kind of independence includes independent daily life, independent learning and training),从留学之初的买水果煮饭、租房子,解决寝室关联、人际交往,到期末复习、工作组工作,日常生活和学习中有诸多琐碎必须一个人解决和应对。

  独立并不是想一想就能完成,它必须各种各样能力和强劲的逻辑性给予适用。假如做不到独立(Independence is not achieved by thinking. It must be applied by various abilities and strong logic. If you can‘t be independent),仅是缴纳学费、垃圾分类回收、付账单、办理信用卡这样的事情也可以难死一个人。

  最重要的是独立解决问题,在遇到难点时,了解做出准确的分辨,怎样剥茧抽丝、怎样充分利用手头上資源、怎样向懂你的人或组织寻求帮助(When encountering difficulties, know how to make accurate discrimination, how to peel the cocoon, how to make full use of the resources at hand, and how to seek help from people or organizations who understand you),艰难各不相同,但倘若能有统一的科学方法论,就能事倍功半。

  有留学生曾提及,留学历经对自身而言较大的实际意义(Studying abroad is of great practical significance to oneself),便是自身拥有到每一个生疏的国家也不觉得惊慌害怕,这就是留学针对独立观念的提高功效。


  有些人认为逃过中国的高考考试或是中国的学习工作压力就能万事如意(Some people think that everything will go well if they escape China‘s college entrance examination or China‘s study and work pressure),出国变成了躲避和飞翔的出入口,那便是你对留学确实不了解。

  许多人认为出国便是每天party、满世界旅行,你觉得这就是留学的所有?她们低头舔着一本接一本的砖块书的情况下、经常熬夜急着一篇又一篇毕业论文的情况下,你并不了解,自然她们也不想让你知道(When you often stay up late and rush to write one graduation thesis after another, you don‘t know, and naturally they don‘t want you to know)。这一点,就和高中教师对你说,“挺过高考考试,进到高校日子就舒服了“一样具备欺诈性。

  刚出国时要勤奋融入课堂氛围和节奏感,勤奋不脱队,其中要考题(When you first go abroad, you should assiduously integrate into the classroom atmosphere and sense of rhythm, and work hard without leaving the team, including examination questions),隔三差五赶毕业论文赶截至日期,期终周时熬整夜是在所难免。沒有努力和勤奋,要想学有所成难以。

  除开学习培训,留学生还需要勤奋融入一个全新升级的社会发展文化自然环境(In addition to learning and training, foreign students also need to assiduously integrate into a new and upgraded social development, cultural and natural environment),这一点有多么难,你看看有多少中国人在唐人街探案2呆了一辈子也没法融进就能感受到一些。



  没有错,留学并不是所有人能交易起,尽管留学的花费早已趋向平民化,各种各样金融业方式(Not everyone can afford to study abroad, although the cost of studying abroad has long tended to be civilian, and there are various ways of financial industry),留学借款也在愈发多样化,尽管远超过中国入读的培训费,但出自于教育产业的收益率看来,留学所造成的均值使用价值是远超过中国文化教育。

  家中的资金是对小孩出国留学的一种确保,但并不规定尤其多的储蓄和尤其富裕,许多家中会把留学的花费想像做高价(The money at home is a guarantee for children to study abroad, but it does not require special savings and wealth. Many families will imagine the cost of studying abroad as a high price),但仔细搜索较为会看到其开支并不是不可控性,在适当的资金确保下来教学的项目投资是现如今愈来愈多的家庭生活的挑选,但不建议倾尽所有只求把小孩送出国门,理应开展科学合理的费用预算才算是最科学合理合理的。这一标准是必需的但并不是最重要。


  鞋是否合身,总要试一试才知道。想试一试自身是不是合适留学,有标准的同学们可以参与海外高等院校的对外开放日(If you want to try whether you are suitable to study abroad, students with standards can participate in the opening day of overseas colleges and universities),或者参与旅游和暑假游学,现场体会一番海外的人文自然环境,去学校里参观考察一番。要是没有标准,可以多听听一些国外高等院校的示范课,多检索海外校园内信息内容,不必让空穴来风的信息冲昏头脑了眼睛。

  看一看你是否真的适合去加拿大留学,假如感觉自身真不适宜出国,那麼什么时候中断留学方案也不晚(If you feel that you are really not suitable to go abroad, it is not too late to interrupt the study abroad program),喊停留学可能是停止,再也不考虑到出国留学,也有可能仅仅按住了暂停键,让出国方案延后,例如从出国读普通高中变为在中国看完普通高中再出国读大学本科(For example, from going abroad to study in an ordinary high school to reading an ordinary high school in China and then going abroad to study for an undergraduate course),让自身作出完全的学习培训提前准备和心理建设,塑造了充分的独立观念后再出国,要想出国念书,何时也不晚。
