


  备考的时候就经常看广大考生们写的考过分享(When preparing for the test, I often read and share the test results written by the majority of candidates),这下终于轮到自己了,按照惯例先说下自己的背景:需要的目标分是65,小分倒是没有要求(According to the Convention, let‘s talk about your background first: the required target score is 65, but there is no requirement for a small score),但是我这人对这类语言类的考试可以说是从来都没有接触过的,也别说什么技巧了。

  每天的话学习时间也并不是特别充裕,好在早上和晚上都能抽出时间来学习(I don‘t have enough time to study every day. Fortunately, I can find time to study in the morning and evening),至于为什么要考pte呢,因为目前的工作并没有明显的提升也没有给我带来任何的成就感,所以觉得突破一下自己。之前其实也想过考雅思的,身边的朋友也有备考雅思的(In fact, I thought about taking the IELTS before, and my friends also prepared for the IELTS),我看着他们觉得实在痛苦,所以问了中介觉得另辟蹊径选择了pte。

  之前一直听人说pte口语是占大头的,加上我对自己的英语口语能力并不是很自信,自学也挺浪费时间的(I‘ve always heard that PTE oral English accounts for the majority. In addition, I‘m not very confident in my oral English ability, and self-study is a waste of time),所以就在羊驼老师的建议下选择了班课,虽然并没有参加过类似的语言考试,但我的英语本身基础还是可以的(Although I haven‘t taken a similar language test, my basic English is OK),开始上班课后,我一直把“口语占大头”放在心上,所以日常的练习也都以口语为主,不过听力也做的挺多的,sst就是我遇到的难题之一。

  做模考的时候我就发现,听力,真的要把握好时间,那些录音的时间真的好长很容易听完就忘记(Really grasp the time. The recording time is really long. It‘s easy to forget after listening),所以笔记肯定是要做的。Sst考前我也是把机经过了两遍的,练习题我也都尽量去做过一遍(Before the st test, I also passed the machine twice, and I tried to do the exercises again),考前还把重点词过了一遍,考试IDE时候遇到两篇SST,都是我有印象做过的,所以整体来说sst做的还是很不错的。

  模考后我发现自己的写作分数并不是很突出,稍微踩线,怕考试的时候稍有发挥不好会被写作拖后腿(After the model test, I found that my writing score was not very outstanding. I stepped on the line a little. I was afraid that if I didn‘t play well in the test, I would be delayed by writing),所以我就又在羊驼报名了几节口语的一对一,选择的老师也是上班课的时候熟悉的老师,主要我对写作模板的运用并不是很好,这也可能是我上班课的时候一直把重心放在口语和听力上的原因吧。

  课上老师主要说我理解能力很好,上课能很快学到重点和技巧,需要注意写作是整个PTE里面最简单的题目(In class, the teacher mainly said that I have good understanding ability and can quickly learn the key points and skills in class. It should be noted that writing is the simplest topic in the whole PTE),要放弃之前写作的那种逻辑和思路,只要分别做好课堂上说的那几件事就可以拿到高分也就是拼写语法模板。后续的练习老师也是有指明方向的,WE模板每天坚持背诵和电脑默写,最后做到8-9分钟一字不差默写(In the follow-up exercises, the teacher also pointed out the direction. We template insisted on reciting and computer dictation every day, and finally wrote every word in 8-9 minutes),高频题目关键词开始积累,每天平均3-4篇,按照高频榜单顺序开始做,每篇文章准备13个以上关键词。

  上完课大概两周我就约上了最近的考试,我也对自己很有信心,考试虽说有些紧张,但是完美通过(Although the exam was a little nervous, it passed perfectly),出分也是挺快的。最后也希望大家都能够顺利的出分。
